
Learn to play flute

Is it your dream to play flute or just would like to develop your musical skills on that instrument?
Do you need to prepare for the  ABRSM exam or Trinity exam on the flute?
Would you like to successfully perform on any concert or to take part in a music competition?
Then our music school is the right place for you! We offer flute education for kids and adults of all levels.
Our highly professional flute teacher based on our methods will help you in all your musical endeavors.

Flute course duration:
First semester (August-December)
Second semester (January- June)
The flute course lasts by semester following our calendar.

New students
We have ongoing enrolment throughout the year and you can start whenever it suits you. You don’t have to pay for the flute lessons you have missed, it will be deducted from the semester fee at start up.

The flute course consists of:
Individual flute lessons once/twice per week by 30 or 45 minutes.

Cecilia  – Read more about your flute teacher here.

We have a convenient payment structure, allowing for two payments per semester; a total of four payments in a year. Our payment structure is quarterly or by semester.The semester fee will be sent to you at the beginning and/or in the middle of the semester.

The semester fee is payable by invoice.
30 minutes individual flute lesson once per week 5440, -per semester (approx. 320 NOK per lesson)*.
45 minutes individual flute lesson once per week 7760, -per semester (approx. 456 NOK per lesson)*.
30 minutes individual flute lesson twice per week 10060, -per semester (approx. 295 NOK per lesson)*.

*The prices of one lesson following the semester plan payment are for reference only.

If you would like to have drop-in individual flute lessons:
30 minutes individual lesson 460 NOK
45 minutes individual lesson 625 NOK

All you have to do: 
Book a trial flute lesson here or Register for a class

Call us +4746366232